Lemon queen cake Recipe
Lemon queen cake Recipe
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Lemon queen cake

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Lemon queen cake Recipe
                              Lemon Queen Cake
 Recipe By     : 
 Serving Size  : 1    Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Cakes                            Desserts
                 Frostings Fillings And Glazes
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
      3/4  cup           butter
      3/4  cup           shortening
    3      cups          sugar
    1      cup           milk
    1      cup           water
    4 1/2  cups          flour
    2      tablespoons   baking powder
    1 1/2  teaspoons     salt
    2      teaspoons     vanilla extract
    1      teaspoon      almond extract
    9                    egg whites
    2      cups          flaked coconut
    2      tablespoons   fresh lemon juice
                         ***LEMON-BUTTER FROSTING***
    6      tablespoons   butter or margarine -- softened
    3      cups          sifted powdered sugar -- divided
      1/4  cup           milk
    2      teaspoons     lemon rind -- grated
    1      teaspoon      vanilla extract
                         ***LEMON FILLING***
    1 1/2  cups          sugar
      1/3  cup           cornstarch
      1/2  teaspoon      salt
    2 1/2  cups          water
      1/2  cup           lemon juice
    9                    egg yolks -- beaten
 Beat butter and shortening at medium speed with an electric mixer about 2 minut
 es or until creamy.  Gradually add sugar, beating 5 to 7 minutes.  Combine milk
  and water.  Combine flour, baking powder, and salt; add to creamed mixture alt
 ernately with milk mixture, beginning and ending with flour mixture.  Beat at l
 ow speed just until blended after each addition.  Stir in flavorings.
 Beat egg whites at high speed until stiff peaks form; fold into batter.  Pour b
 atter into 4 greased and floured 9-inch round cakepans.  Bake at 350ø
for 20 to 
 25 minutes or until a wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean.  Cool in 
 pans on wire racks 10 minutes; remove from pans, and cool on wire racks.
 Combine coconut and lemon juice, tossing gently.
 Spread Lemon Filling between layers and on top of cake; spread Lemon-Butter Fro
 sting on sides.  Press coconut mixture into frosting on sides of cake.  Yield: 
 1 (4-layer) cake.
 Lemon-Butter Frosting: Beat butter at medium speed of an electric mixer until c
 reamy.  Add 1 cup powdered sugar, beating until blended; gradually add milk, be
 ating until blended after each addition.  Beat in lemon rind and vanilla.  Grad
 ually beat in remaining sugar until blended; beat to spreading consistency.  Yi
 eld: about 3 cups.
 Lemon Filling: Combine first 3 ingredients in a heavy saucepan; gradually stir 
 in water and lemon juice.  Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantl
 y, 2 to 3 minutes.
 Stir about one-fourth of hot mixture into egg yolks; stir into remaining hot mi
 xture.  Cook, stirring constantly, 1 minute or until mixture thickens and boils
 .  Remove from heat; chill.  Yield: about 4 cups.
 Make Two Sheet Cakes: The cake batter may be baked in two greased and floured 1
 3- x 9-inch pans at 350ø for 30 to 35 minutes or until a wooden pick
inserted in
  center comes out clean.  One recipe of lemon-butter frosting or chocolate glaz
 e will top both cakes.  For the lattice design, you'll need two recipes of lemo
 n-butter frosting
 For a variation on the classic lemon cake, substitute this recipe for the lemon
  frosting.  This makes enough glaze for the four-layer cake or the two 13- x 9-
 inch cakes.
 1 (16-ounce) package semisweet chocolate chips 1 cup whipping cream 1/2 cup but
 ter, softened
 Combine chocolate and whipping cream in a large glass bowl.  Microwave at Mediu
 m-High (50% power) 3 1/2 minutes.  Remove and whisk or stir until chocolate mel
 ts and mixture is blended, 1 to 2 minutes.  If chocolate isn't melted, microwav
 e again at 50% power 30 to 60 seconds; stir briskly.  Whisk or stir in butter. 
  Set aside 10 to 15 minutes or until mixture has cooled to a spreading consiste
                    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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