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Deluxe chocolate cake butter cake Recipe
Deluxe chocolate cake butter cake Recipe
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Deluxe chocolate cake butter cake

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Deluxe chocolate cake butter cake Recipe
                     Deluxe Chocolate Cake Butter Cake
 Recipe By     : Flo Braker
 Serving Size  : 12   Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Bakers' Dozen                    Cakes
                 Chocolate                        Desserts
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
    2      cups          sifted cake flour
    1      teaspoon      baking soda
      1/4  teaspoon      salt
      1/2  cup           unsifted cocoa powder
      1/2  cup           lukewarm water
      1/2  cup           buttermilk -- room temperature
      1/2  cup           water
    2      teaspoons     vanilla
    2      large         eggs -- room temperature
    4      ounces        unsalted butter -- room temperature
    1      cup           granulated sugar
    1      cup           light brown sugar -- packed
                         AGNATE FILLING
    8      ounces        semisweet or bittersweet chocolate -- finely 
    1      cup           heavy cream
                         FROSTING AND CHOCOLATE GLAZE
    1      cup           heavy cream -- whipped
   10      ounces        semisweet chocolate -- finely chopped
    1      cup           heavy cream
 Adjust rack in lower third of oven and preheat oven to 350/F. Grease 
 and flour two 8 inch round cake pans, and insert parchment paper or waxed paper
to line the bottoms.
 Sift the flour, baking soda, and salt onto a sheet of waxed paper and 
 set aside. Place the cocoa in a 1quart mixing bowl. Add the 1/2 cup lukewarm
water, and whisk to combine; set aside to cool. Pour
  the buttermilk, the 1/2 cup water, and the vanilla into a liquid cup 
 measure. Crack the eggs into a small bowl, and whisk together to combine the
yolks and whites.
 Place the butter in the bowl of a heavyduty mixer, preferably fitted 
 with a flat beater. Cream the butter on medium speed until the butter is smooth
and lighter in color, about 30 to 45 seconds. Redu
 ce the speed to low and add the sugars in a steady stream. When all 
 the sugar is added, stop the machine and scrape the mixture clinging to the
side of the bowl into the center. The mixture will appe
 ar sandy. Increase the speed to medium again, and cream until the 
 mixture is light in color, is fluffy in texture, and appears as one mass, about
6 to 7 minutes. With the mixer still on medium speed,
  pour in the eggs slowly at first. Continue to cream, scraping the 
 sides of the bowl at least once, until the mixture appears fluffy and velvety.
Stop the machine and spoon in the cooled cocoa mixtur
 e, resume at medium speed and mix just until incorporated.
 Using a rubber spatula, stir in one fourth of the flour mixture. Then 
 one third of the buttermilk mixture, stirring to blend together. Repeat this
procedure, alternating dry and liquid. With each add
 ition, scrape the sides of the bowl, and continue mixing until 
 smooth, never adding liquid if any flour is visible.
 Pour the batter into the pans and spread it level. Bake for 25 
 minutes, or until the baked surface springs back slightly when touched lightly
in the center and the sides contract from the pan.
 Place the cake pans on a rack to cool for 5 to 10 minutes. With 
 mitts, tilt and rotate pans, gently tapping them on the counter to see if the
cake releases from the sides.
 Put the chocolate in a medium bowl. In a small saucepan, heat the 
 heavy cream just to the boil. Remove from heat. Pour over chocolate and whisk
until chocolate melts and mixture is smooth and shiny.
 Split each layer of cake in half horizontally and place one layer, 
 cut side up, on a cardboard round. Spread with one third of the ganache
filling. Center a second layer on top of the first, and spre
 ad it with one third of the ganache filling. Place another layer, cut 
 side up, on top, and spread with remaining filling and turn the last layer
upside down, and center it over the filling.
 Frost the cake with the whipped cream. Place the cake on a wire rack, 
 then set it on a sheet pan that will fit the dimensions of your freezer. Place
in the freezer for 40 minutes only (this is just e
 nough time to chill the whipped cream frosting so its firm to the 
 touch, not soft). While the cake is in the freezer, prepare the dark chocolate
glaze. Put the chocolate in a medium bowl. In a small 
 saucepan, heat the heavy cream just to the boil. Remove from heat. 
 Pour over chocolate and whisk until chocolate melts and mixture is smooth and
shiny. Set aside to cool to body temperature.
 Set the cake on its wire rack over a baking pan with sides (like a 
 jelly roll pan) on top of a turntable (or lazy susan). Pour almost all of the
chocolate glaze over the center of the cake. Using a l
 ong, flexible metal icing spatula, use just a few strokes to spread 
 the glaze over the top of the cake so the glaze runs down over the sides.
Rotate the turntable as you spread. Use the spatula to sc
 oop up excess glaze to touch it to any bare spots on the sides of the 
 cake to cover them. Place the cake on a serving plate. Refrigerate until 30 to
60 minutes before serving. Using a serrated knife,
  dipped into hot water after each slice, cut dessert into wedges.
 From Baker's Dozen Show # BD1A11
                    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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