Friendship cake & starter Recipe
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Friendship cake & starter Recipe
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04
       Title: Friendship Cake & Starter
  Categories: Cakes
       Yield: 6 servings
       1 lg Gallon Jar
       1 c  Cubed Pineapple
       1 c  Sugar
       2 tb Brandy
       1 c  Maraschino Cherries
            -including juice
       1 c  Sugar
       2 tb Brandy
       1 c  Sliced Canned Peaches
            -including juice
       1 c  Sugar
       2 tb Brandy
       1    Box Cake Mix
       1 sm Box Instant Pudding
     3/8 c  Cooking Oil
       4    Eggs
       1 c  Chopped Nuts
       1    Portion Fruit
   In the one gallon jar, combine the pineapple, 1 cup sugar and 2
   tablespoons of brandy. Let ingredients sit in jar for 2 weeks,
   stirring daily. At the end of two weeks, add the maraschino cherries,
   1 cup of sugar and 2 tablespoons of brandy. Let the mixture sit for
   two more weeks, stirring daily. During the forth week add the canned
   peaches, 1 cup of sugar, 2 tablespoons of brandy. Let sit another two
   weeks, stirring daily. Seperate the liquid from the fruit. The liquid
   is your starter and you can use the fruit on ice cream or cake. Now
   you are ready to prepare the fruit for two cakes.
   DO NOT refrigerate the liquid. In a large gallon jar, put 1 1/2 cups
   of the starter, 2 1/2 cups of sugar and 1 large can (28 Oz.) sliced
   peaches. Mix well and cover jar with a paper towel. Do not
   refrigerate or screw lid on jar. Stir every day for 10 days. Next,
   add 2 1/2 cups of sugar and 1 can (16 oz.) crushed pineapple. Stir
   everyday for 10 days. Add 2 1/2 cups sugar and 1 can (16 oz.) fruit
   cocktail. Slice contents of 1 jar (10 oz.) maraschino cherries and
   add with juice. Stir every day for 10 days.
   On baking day, drain the fruit and divide it into two equal parts.
   Save the juice and use it as starter for friends. You will have
   enough for five starters (approximately 2 cups each). DO NOT
   refrigerate the liquid because it will stop the fermenting action.
   For each cake you will need: To each cake mix, add pudding mix, oil,
   and eggs. Beat until smooth and fold in fruit and nuts, batter will
   be thick. Pour mixture into a greased tube pan, then bake at 350
   degrees for 50 to 60 minutes. Turn cake out of pan while hot. When
   cooled, the cake freezes well. The choices of flavored cake mixes and
   pudding mixes is yours and coconut may be substituted for nuts.
   SOURCE:*Norene B. Mitchell, Oneida, NY. Recipe Swap Column, Syracuse
   Herald American 8/2/92 SHARED BY: Jim Bodle 8/92

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