Strawberries-and-cream cake Recipe
Strawberries-and-cream cake Recipe
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Strawberries-and-cream cake

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Strawberries-and-cream cake Recipe
                        Strawberries-And-Cream Cake
 Recipe By     :
 Serving Size  : 1    Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Cakes                            Ladies Home Journal
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
                         vegetable cooking spray
                         white cake -- see recipe
    6      tablespoons   butter -- softened (no
                         -- substitutions)
    2      cups          confectioners' sugar
    3      tablespoons   heavy or whipping cream
    1      cup           finely chopped fresh strawberries
      1/2  teaspoon      vanilla extract
      1/3  cup           strawberry jelly -- melted
    2      cups          heavy or whipping cream
      1/4  cup           confectioners' sugar
                         sliced strawberries -- for garnigh
                         blueberries -- for garnish
                         mint sprigs -- for garnish
 1.  Heat oven to 350øF.	Line a 15 1/2x10 1/2-inch jelly-roll pan with
foil; lig
 htly coat foil with vegetable cooking spray.
 2.  Make batter for one recipe White Cake.  Spread batter evenly in prepared pa
 n.  Bake 20 minutes, until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.
 3.  Cool cake in pan on large wire rack 10 minutes; invert cake onto rack.  Rem
 ove pan and foil; cool completely.  Repeat process with another recipe White Ca
 ke.  (Can be made ahead.  Cover and freeze cakes up to 1 month.  Thaw at room t
 emperature 30 minutes.)
 4.  Make buttercream: Beat butter in large mixer bowl until smooth.  Add confec
 tioners' sugar, heavy cream and vanilla; beat until light and fluffy.  Makes 1 
 1/3 cups.  Stir in chopped strawberries.
 5.  Place 1 cake layer on large platter; tuck four strips of wax paper undernea
 th cake.  Brush top of cake with melted jelly.  Spread buttercream over jelly; 
 top with second cake layer.
 6.  Beat cream and confectioners' sugar in mixer bowl at medium-high speed to s
 tiff peaks.  Spread over top and sides of cake.  Remove wax-paper strips.  Garn
 ish cake with sliced strawberries, blueberries and mint sprigs, if desired.  Re
 frigerate up to 2 hours before serving.  Makes 24 servings.
 You'll need to make and bake our White Cake recipe twice to create this gloriou
 s spring dessert that's filled with fresh strawberries and frosted with whipped
 Prep time: 1 1/2 hours plus cooling and chilling Baking time: 20 minutes per ca
 ke Degree of difficulty: moderate Microwave Can be frozen up to 1 month
  MC formatted by Barb at Possum Kingdom using MC Buster 2.0g & SNT on 8/17/98
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                    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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