1 box German Chocolate or Spice Cake mix
1 box Which cake mix
1 pkg Vanilla Sandwich Cookies (1lb 4oz)
1 lg pkg. Vanilla Instant Pudding
Green Food Coloring
12 small Tootsie Rolls
1 new Kitty Litter box
1 new Kitty Litter box liner
1 new Pooper Scooper
Prepare cake mixes per package directions. Bake them in any
shape pan you'd like, you'll be breaking them up later on, so
it doesn't matter what they look like.
Prepared pudding mix per package directions. Refrigerate until
well chilled. You may or may not need the entire package--save
the leftovers to eat later on.
Put the cookies into your food processor (with the filling).
Pulse until the cookies are crushed. Don't over-do it, this is
suppose to look like kitty litter. Scrape the sides of the
processor bowl often, the crumbs tend to stick. You'll need to
do this in small batches.
To 1 cup of the cookie crumbs, add a few drops of green food
coloring. This is the chlorophyll in the kitty litter. I put
the crumbs into a jar and add the food coloring and shake
until it's fairly well mixed.
When the cakes are cooled to room temperature, crumble them
into a large bowl. Toss with half of the remaining (uncolored)
cookie crumbs and enough of the pudding to make the mixture
moist, but not soggy.
Line the kitty litter box with the new liner; add the
cake/pudding mixture and spread it out.
Unwrap 3 of the Tootsie Rolls and heat in the microwave until
soft and pliable--don't melt them. Shape blunt ends into
slightly curved points (use your imagination--grin). Repeat
with 3 more Tootsie Rolls. Bury the shaped Tootsie Rolls in
the cake mixture, allowing some of them to stick out of the
top at random intervals. Again, use your imagination.
Sprinkle the remaining white cookie crumbs over the mixture,
then scatter the green crumbs lightly over the top.
Heat the remaining 6 Tootsie Rolls (see NOTE below), three at
a time in the microwave until ALMOST melted. Scrape them over
the top of the cake and sprinkling with crumbs from the box.
NOTE: This is my idea--I save one of the Tootsie Rolls, heat
it up like you did for the shaped ones. Roll it in a mixture
of the green and white cookie crumbs. Hang it over the side of
the pan. I KNOW, I'm gross!!!
Place kitty litter box on two sheets of newspaper. Serve with
the pooper scooper.