Chocolate walnut filled cake Recipe
Chocolate walnut filled cake Recipe
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Chocolate walnut filled cake

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Chocolate walnut filled cake Recipe
                        Chocolate Walnut Filled Cake
 Recipe By     : 
 Serving Size  : 24   Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Cakes                            Chris's Diabetic Cookbook
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
    2      cups          cake flour
      1/2  cup           unsweetened cocoa
    3      tablespoons   granulated fructose or other
                         sugar replacement
    1      tablespoon    baking powder
    1 1/4  cups          milk
      1/4  cup           soft margarine
    2                    eggs
      1/2  cup           flour
      1/3  cup           walnuts very finely chopped
      1/3  cup           milk
    1      teaspoon      granulated fructose or other
                         sugar replacement
    1      teaspoon      baking powder
    1      teaspoon      vanilla extract
 Preheat oven to 350.Grease and flour a 3 quart size tube pan. For the Cake: Com
 bine dry ingredients and sift into a bowl. Add remaining ingredients and beat u
 ntil smooth and creamy.Pour into prepared pan. To make the filling: Combine all
  ingredients in a bowl mixing with a fork until well blended. Spoon in a ring o
 ver center of chocolate layer being careful not to touch sides of pan with fill
 ing mixture. Bake for 35 minute or until tester comes out clean. Cool in pan fo
 r 20-25 minutes,invert onto plate or rack and let cool completely. Frost with a
  glaze if desired
 Recipes makes 24 servings @ 84 calories per Exchanges: 2/3 bread 1/2 lean meat

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