Banana pudding cake Recipe
Banana pudding cake Recipe
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Banana pudding cake

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Banana pudding cake Recipe
Date:    Mon, 27 Feb 95 19:36:31
                        Banana Pudding Cake
                            Serves   8
 Preparation   :15    Cook   :38    Stand   :15    Total   1:08
                 A surprisingly cake like dessert.
 3/4    cup whole wheat pastry flour
 3/4    cup unbleached flour, white
 1      teaspoon baking soda
 1      teaspoon baking powder
 1/8    teaspoon salt
 1/2    cup raisins
 2      each large ripe bananas, cut into 1/2 inch slices
 1/2    cup apple juice
 1/2    cup maple syrup
 2      teaspoons vanilla extract
 With Pam, spritz and flour a 1 qt (6 cup) bundt pan. Mix dry
 ingredients in a bowl, and slowly add bananas, ensuring that they
 are coated with flour on both sides. Combine liquids, and add to
 flour, mixing evenly. Pour into bundt pan, and cover tightly with
 Using trivit in pressure cooker, bring 3 cups of water to a boil.
 Lower bundt pan into cooker, cover, lock, and immediately bring
 to high pressure. Cook for 35 minutes. At end, quick release
 pressure, remove bundt pan, and place on wire rack to cool.
 Unmold and serve.
 Nutrition (per serving):  204 calories
    Saturated fat      0 g
    Total Fat          1 g   (2% of calories)
    Protein            3 g   (7% of calories)
    Carbohydrates     47 g   (91% of calories)
    Cholesterol        0 mg    Sodium        188 mg
    Fiber              1 g     Iron            1 mg
    Vitamin A         24 IU    Vitamin C       9 mg
    Alcohol            0 g
 Source: Great Vegetarian Cooking Under Pressure
 Page(s): 256-257
            Date Published: 1994
 ISBN 0-688-12326-0

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