------------- Recipe Extracted from Meal-Master (tm) v6.14 ------------------
Title: Spicced Gyngerbrede
Categories: Cakes Desserts Londontowne
Servings: 1
1/2 c Shortening 2 3/4 c Flour
2 T Orange rind, grated 1 t Soda
1/2 t Salt 1/2 c Brown sugar
1 t Cinnamon 3 ea Eggs
1 t Mace 1 c Molasses or sorghum
1 t Nutmeg 1/4 c Orange juice
1/2 c Raisins 1/4 c Brandy, fruitjuice or
George Washington's mother's recipe uses no ginger. Fruit juice or coffee
may be substituted for brandy.
Cream shortening and orange rind together. Add brown sugar gradually and
cream thoroughly. Blend in well beaten eggs. Beat hard for 1-2 minutes to
make a smooth batter. Sift flour, soda, salt and spices together and add
to creamed mixture alternately with the molasses and mix of orange
juice/brandy. Add raisins. Pour in well greased and floured 8" X 12" X
2-1/2" pan. bake at 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes.
Mrs. Harold T. Cook