Date: Tue, 27 Jul 93 14:18:16 BST
From: Michael Traub
Low fat Date and Banana Cake
This recipe is my modification of the one found in "The Vegan Cookbook",
by Gordon Baskerville and Alan Wakeman, published by Faber and Faber
2/3 lb Wholemeal Flour
2 tbsp Baking Powder
6 Dates, pitted
2 tbsp Date Syrup
1 tbsp Barley Malt Extract
3 Bananas
3 tsp Vanilla Essence
1/8 pt Soy Milk
1/8 pt Water
1/4 lb Apple Sauce
1 doz Whole Almonds to Garnish
Mix the flour and baking powder together. Cut the dates up with a pair of
scissors and add to the flour. Put the bananas, the date syrup, malt
extract, apple sauce, vanilla essence, water and soya milk in a blender
and blend for about twenty seconds. You don't really want the bananas to
be totally pulverised, a few little chunks are nice. Mix the liquid and
dry ingredients together. Place in a 6 inch baking tin, which has been
previously coated with non-fat spray and dusted with flour. Optionally
place a few almonds on top of the cake for decoration. Spray the top of
the cake with a little soya milk or oil (optional, though the cake gets
quite crusty without it). Bake in an oven at about 170 deg C/ 340 deg F
for approximately an hour or until a knife comes out clean.
This makes quite a substantial cake. To make a lighter cake use a flour
with less bran in it and use concentrated apple juice as a sweetener
instead of barley malt extract.