Chocolate macademia cream satin Recipe
Chocolate macademia cream satin Recipe
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Chocolate macademia cream satin

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Chocolate macademia cream satin Recipe
                      Chocolate Macademia Cream Satin
 Recipe By     : Cynthia K. Davenport 
 Serving Size  : 1    Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Cakes
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
    1      cup           all-purpose flour
    1 1/2  tsp           baking soda
    1      tsp.          salt
      3/4  cup           light brown sugar, packed
      3/4  cup           white sugar
      1/2  cup           salted butter, softened
      1/4  cup           unsweetened cocoa powder
      1/4  cup           boiling water
    2                    large eggs, beaten
    1      tsp           pure vanilla extract
    1      cup           buttermilk
      1/4  cup           white sugar
   14      oz.           cream cheese, at room temp
    1                    large egg
    1      lb            white chocolate
    2 1/2  tsp           unflavoured gelatin
    2      tbsp.         cold water
    1      cup           whippnig cream
    3      tbsp          pure vanilla extract
    4      cups          unsalted Macadamia nuts (24 oz)
      1/4  cup           cocoa powder
      1/4  cup           confectioner's sugar
      1/2  cup           whipping cream (optional)
    1      oz            dark or white chocolate (optional)
 To make the Cake:
    Preheat oven to 350oF. Grease and flour an 8- or 9- inch springform
    In a medium bowl, combine flour, baking soda and salt. Miz well with a
    wire whisk and set aside.
    In large bowl combine sugars with an electric mixer on medium speed.
    Add butter and beat to form a grainy paste.
    In small bowl combine cocoa powder and boiling water, and stir until
    smooth. Add cocoa mixture, eggs and vanilla to butter and sugar; blend
    well to form a smooth batter., Alternately add the flour mixture and
    the buttermilk to the batter. Blend at low speed just until combined.
    Pour into prepared pan. Bake 25-35 minutes or until a knige inserted
    into the middle of the cake comes out clean. Leaving the cake in the
    pan, cool to room temperature, then refrigerate to make slicing
 To prepare the filling:
    In medium bowl with an electric mixer and clean beaters, beat the
    sugar and cream cheese until well blended. Add egg and beat until
    light and fluffy.
    Next melt white chocolate in a double boiler. While chocolate is
    melting, in a small metal bowl sprinkle gelatin over the cold water.
    Let gelatin bloom for 5 minutes, then dissolve it over a double boiler
    until clear and smooth.
    Gradually add dissolved gelating to the cream cheese-sugar mixture,
    beating continuously at medium speed until smooth. (If you beat it too
    fast, the gelatin will stick to the sides of the bowl.)
    Add whipped cream to the mixture and blend until smooth. With a rubber
    spatula, fold the white chocolate and vanilla into the cake batter
 To assemble cake and filling:
    Remove sides of springform pan. Cut cake into 2 layers and set the top
    layer aside. Replace sides of the springform pan, leaving bottom layer
    of cake in pan.
    Pour filling over bottom cake layer. Carefully place the other cake
    layer on top of the filling. Refrigerate for several hours.
    When filling is firm, remove sides of pan and pleace the cake on a
    platter. Coat the sides of the cake with macadamia nuts. Dust the top
    if desired, add rosettes of whipped cream, chocolate shavings and more
    macadamia nuts. Refrigerate until ready to serve.
    Beat milk with lemon juice until thick. Fold in strawberries and whipped
   cream. Divide among crepes; fold. Garnish with additional whipped cream and
   a strawberry centered on the cream. Yields 6 servings.
    Soak gelatin in milk, in custard cup. Set cup in boiling water; stir until
   gelatin is completely dissolved.
    Combine yogurt, sugar, and salt. Stir in gelatin mixture. Stir in berries
   and lemon juice. Chill until slightly thickened; beat until foamy. Fold in
   whipped cream. Pour mixture in metal ice-cube tray. Cover with foil;
    NOTE: I have also made this with approx 1/2 of 1 pint of fresh
   strawberries, well crushed. I then froze it in a Donvier ice cream maker.
   * hulled, cleaned, and halved
    Combine strawberries and sugar. Cover; let stand 15 minutes.
    Prepare topping. Beat together yolks, 1/3 cup sugar, vanilla, nutmeg, and
   brandy until smooth. Fold in yopurt.
    Spoon strawberries into 4 sherbert dishes. Cover with topping; garnish
   with almonds and chocolate. Yield 4 servings.
    Originally from Mrs. Fields Cookie Book
                    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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