Cardamom coffee cakes Recipe
Cardamom coffee cakes Recipe
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Cardamom coffee cakes

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Cardamom coffee cakes Recipe
------------- Recipe Extracted from Meal-Master (tm) Database --------------
      Title: Cardamom Coffee Cakes
 Categories: Breads Christmas    
   Servings:  2
   1 1/2 c  Milk                                1 pk Cake yeast 
     3/4 c  Sugar                           6 1/4 c  Sifted all-purpose flour 
     1/2 c  Butter                            1/4 t  Salt 
       3 ea Egg yolks                           1 t  Cardamom 
       2 T  Milk                                6 T  Sugar 
   1. Scald milk and cool to lukewarm.  Crumble yeast into bowl, add 1 Tsp
   sugar and lukewarm milk.
   2. Beat in 3 cups flour; beat until smooth.  Cover well and let rise until
   light and double in bulk, 1 - 1-1/2 hours.
   3. Add soft butter, remaining sugar, salt, egg yolks, cardamom and 3 cups
   flour.  Mix thoroughly.  Place remaining 1/4 cup flour on board or pastry
   cloth for kneading.
   4. Turn out dough and knead until smooth and elastic.  Place in greased
   bowl.  Cover well.  Set aside to rise until double in bulk, 1 to 1-1/2
   5. Cut risen dough in half for two cofee cakes (braids).  Cut each half
   into 3 pieces.  Roll each piece into a roll 16 inches long.  Pinch 3 rolls
   together at one end, braid and pinch other ends together.  Place braid on
   cookie sheet.  Make second braid and place on cookie sheet.
   6. Let braids rise until double in bulk, about 45 minutes.  For topping
   brush each braid with 1 Tbsp milk and sprinkle with 3 Tbsp sugar.
   7. Bake in moderate oven (375) 25 to 30 minutes.
   Yield: 2 coffee cakes

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