Caramel surprise cake Recipe
Caramel surprise cake Recipe
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Caramel surprise cake

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Caramel surprise cake Recipe
                           CARAMEL SURPRISE CAKE
 Recipe By     : DESSERT SHOW #DS3064
 Serving Size  : 0    Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    :
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
   16                    caramel candy squares
    1      jar           caramel sauce
    8      ounces        semisweet chocolate
    1      stick         unsalted butter
    3                    eggs
    3                    egg yolks
      1/3  cup           sugar
    2      teaspoons     pure vanilla extract
      3/4  cup           flour Chocolate sauce:
    8      ounces        chocolate chips
    1      cup           cream
      1/2  cup           sugar
 Freeze caramel candies until ready to use. Preheat oven to 425. Generously
 butter and flour
 eight 1 cup ramekins and set on cookie sheet. Chop chocolate in small
 pieces. Melt chocolate
 with butter in double boiler over simmering water. Remove from heat and stir
 until melted and
 smooth. Cool. Beat eggs, egg yolks, and sugar together on high about 6
 minutes. Mixture will
 turn pale yellow and thicken. Fold in cooled chocolate mixture and vanilla.
 Sift flour over
 chocolate and fold in. Pour batter into ramekins. Bake about 7-8 minutes.
 Remove from oven and insert 2 frozen caramel candies into center of
 half-baked cakes. Return
 to oven and bake another 7-8 minutes. Cool, in ramekins, on wire rack about
 10 minutes. Chop
 chocolate into pieces. Heat half the cream in saucepan with sugar until it
 boils. Remove from
 heat and add chocolate and stir until it melts and is smooth. Add remaining
 cream and stir until
 smooth. Warm the jar of caramel sauce. Pour caramel sauce on each dessert
 plate, making a
 pool in the bottom of each. Drizzle chocolate sauce in zigzag patterns over
 caramel sauce and
 feather with a toothpick if desired. Loosen cakes with sharp knife and
 invert onto sauces. Top
 with more chocolate sauce and serve.
                    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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