A buche de noel -- french yule log cake Recipe
A buche de noel -- french yule log cake Recipe
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A buche de noel -- french yule log cake

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A buche de noel -- french yule log cake Recipe
3    Egg yolks
    1/2 c  Granulated sugar
      1 md Orange; grated rind & juice
    3/4 c  Almonds; blanched & ground
           .  with 3 Tbsp granulated
           .  sugar
    1/4 ts Almond extract
    1/2 c  Cake flour
      3    Egg whites
      3 tb Granulated sugar
           Confectioner's sugar; in a
           .  sifter

      3 lg Egg whites
        pn Salt
    1/4 ts Cream of tartar; scant
  1 1/3 c  Granulated sugar

     12 oz Semisweet baker's chocolate
           .  melted with 1/3 cup
           .  strong coffee
      1 tb vanilla extract
      3 tb Dark Jamaican Rum
      4 tb butter; unsalted, softened

      4 tb butter; unsalted, softened

      3 tb Unsweetened cocoa; in a tea
           .  strainer
           Confectioner's sugar; in a
           .  sifter

      1 c  Granulated sugar
      3 tb White corn syrup
  A jelly-roll pan about 11 by 17 inches; butter, wax paper, and flour
  for the pan; an electric blender or food processor for the aImonds; a
  table-model electric mixer for the meringue; a pastry bag with
  3/8-inch tube opening and a separate tube with l/8-inch opening, for
  the mushrooms; a buttered and floured no-stick pas try sheet for the
  mushrooms; a serving board to hold the log plenty of wax paper; an
  oiled broom handle suspended between 2 chair backs and newspapers on
  the floor, for the caramel. ** For the directions, please see part #2

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