Pumpkin cookies- october Recipe
Pumpkin cookies- october Recipe
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Pumpkin cookies- october

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Pumpkin cookies- october Recipe
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04
       Title: Pumpkin Cookies- October
  Categories: Cookies, Lauri
       Yield: 54 Servings
     1/2 c  Granulated sugar
     1/2 c  Packed brown sugar
     1/2 c  Peanut butter
     1/4 c  Margarine or butter,softened
     1/4 c  Shortening
       1    Egg
   1 1/4 c  All-purpose flour
     3/4 t  Baking soda
     1/2 t  Baking powder
     1/4 t  Salt
 MMMMM-------------------CREAMY ORANGE FROSTING------------------------
       6 c  Powdered sugar
     2/3 c  Margarine or butter,softened
     1/3 c  Frozen o.j. concentrate*
            Green food color
            Yellow food color
            Red food color
   *  orange juice concentrate should be thawed
   ~-- Mix sugars, peanut butter, margarine, shortening and egg in large
   bowl. Stir in flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt.  Cover and
   refrigerate about 3 hours or until chilled. Heat oven to 375F. Divide
   dough in half. Roll each half 1/8" thick on lightly floured surface.
   Cut with 3" pumpkin-shaped or round cookie cutter. Place on ungreased
   cookie sheet. Bake 6 to 8 minutes or until light brown. Cool 2
   minutes; remove from cookie sheet.  Cool completely. Prepare
   Frosting. Generously frost cookies with orange frosting; frost stems
   with green frosting. Draw toothpick through frosting to resemble
   pumpkin. Frosting: Mix powdered sugar and margarine.  STir in orange
   juice concentrate. Reserve 1/3 cup frosting; tint with green food
   color for stems. Tint remaining frosting with 2 drops yellow food
   color for every 1 drop red food color to obtain desired shade of
   orange. Ghost cookies: Cut cookie dough into ghost shapes. Use milk
   instead of orange juice for the frosting, and omit the food colors.
   Use chocolate chips or slices of black gumdrops to decorate the
   cookies. Note: Give the pumpkin cookies faces by decorating with
   candy corn, or any of your favorite candies.

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