Jessica's marshmallow clouds Recipe
Jessica's marshmallow clouds Recipe
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Jessica's marshmallow clouds

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Jessica's marshmallow clouds Recipe
                        JESSICA'S MARSHMALLOW CLOUDS
 Recipe By     : 
 Serving Size  : 42   Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Cookies
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
    3      Cup           All-purpose flour
      2/3  Cup           Unsweetened cocoa powder
      1/2  Teaspoon      Baking soda
    1      Cup           White sugar
    1      Cup           Light brown sugar (packed)
    1      Cup           Salted butter (softened)
    2      lg            Eggs
    2      Teaspoon      Pure vanilla extract
    2      Cup           Mini semisweet choco chips
    8      Ounce         Mini marshmallows*
 *This recipe slightly modified from the original as noted. 
 Preheat oven to 325 (was: 400) degrees F. (was: Until you are ready to assemble
the cookies just prior to baking, keep the marshmallows in the
freezer--otherwise they will thaw too rapidly -- changed to: Use fresh
marshmallows ONLY). 
 In medium bown combine flour, cocoa and baking soda. Set aside. 
 Combine sugars in a large bowl.  Using an electric mixer, blend in butter,
scraping down the sides of the bowl.  Add eggs and vanilla, and beat at medium
speed until light and fluffy. 
 Add the flour mixture and chocolate chips, and blend at low speed until
combined.  Batter will be very stiff. 
 Gather 4-5 (was: frozen) marshmallows in the palm of your hand and cover them
with a heaping tablespoonful of dough.	Wrap the dough around the marshmallows,
completely encasing them and forming a 2-inch-diameter dough ball. 
 Place balls on ungreased baking sheets, 2 inches apart.  Bake 15 (was 20-22)
minutes.  Cool on pan 2 minutes, then transfer to a cool, flat surface. 
                    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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