Hershey's 50% reduced fat forgotten chips cookies Recipe
Hershey's 50% reduced fat forgotten chips cookies Recipe
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Hershey's 50% reduced fat forgotten chips cookies

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Hershey's 50% reduced fat forgotten chips cookies Recipe
             Hershey's 50% Reduced Fat Forgotten Chips Cookies
 Recipe By     : Julie Gleitsmann 
 Serving Size  : 1    Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Cookies                          Reduced Fat
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
    2                    Egg whites
      1/8  ts            Cream of tartar
      1/8  ts            Salt
      2/3  c             Sugar
    1      c             HERSHEY'S 50% Reduced Fat Semi-Sweet Bakin
    1      ts            Vanilla extract
   Heat oven to 375F. Lightly spray cookie sheet with non-stick vegetable
   cooking spray. In small mixer bowl, beat egg whites with cream of
   tartar and salt until soft peaks form; gradually add sugar, beating
   until stiff peaks form. Carefully fold in chips and vanilla. Drop by
   teaspoons onto prepared cookie sheet. Place cookie sheet in preheated
   oven; immediately turn off oven and allow cookies to remain 6 hours
   or overnight, withut opening door. Remove cookies from cookie sheet.
   Store in airtight container in cool, dry place.
   about 2-1/2 dozen cookies.
   Nutrition facts: Serv size: 2 cookies (21g),1g, Not a significant
   source of cholesterol, dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium,
   or iorn. Percent Daily Values (DV) are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
   *contains 2.5g of Salatrim per serving, only 55% of which is used by
   the body. Therefore this recipe provides 1.5g of available fat per
   serving vs 3.5g in the regular Forgotten Chips Cookies recipe
   Hershey's is a registered trademark of Hershey Foods Corporation .
   Recipe may be reprinted courtesy of the Hershey Kitchens.
                    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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