Bouquet of cookies on a stick Recipe
Bouquet of cookies on a stick Recipe
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Bouquet of cookies on a stick

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Bouquet of cookies on a stick Recipe
                       Bouquet of Cookies on a Stick
 Recipe By     : 
 Serving Size  : 1    Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Cookies
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
    1      c.            + 2 tbsp. cake flour
      1/2  tsp.          baking soda
      1/2  c.            granulated white sugar
      1/2  c.            light brown sugar, packed
      1/2  c.            butter or margarine, softened
      1/4  tsp.          salt
    1                    lg. egg, beaten
    1      tsp.          vanilla
    6      oz.           chocolate chips
      1/2  c.            pecans, chopped (optional)
      1/4  c.            flaked coconut (optional)
   36                    lollipop sticks
 Preparation :
    Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Line cookie sheet with aluminum
 foil. Combine flour and baking soda in small bowl; set aside.  In
 small bowl combine white and brown sugar.  Press out lumps.  In
 medium bowl mash butter with fork.  Add sugar and mix with butter
 until light and fluffy.  Add salt, egg and vanilla.  Beat well.  Add
 small amounts of dry ingredients, mixing each time.  Stir in chips,
 pecans and coconut. Drop by rounded teaspoonfuls onto lined cookie
 sheet.  Space 1 1/2 inches apart.  Push a lollipop stick about 2/3
 the way into each cookie.  The free end of stick should rest on
 foil.  Gently press dough around stick to seal in place.  Bake 8 to
 10 minutes.  Cool on pan 30 minutes.  Remove with spatula.  Wrap
 each cookie in clear plastic wrap.  Gather wrap at back of cookie
 and tie with ribbon.
                    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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