Home-candied angelica Recipe
Home-candied angelica Recipe
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Home-candied angelica

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Home-candied angelica Recipe
1 lb Angelica
      1 lb Granulated sugar
  The most important thing about candying angelica is to choose stalks that
  are young and tender.  In other words, angelica is only worth candying in
  April or May when the shoots are new and softly coloured.  Trim the young
  shoots into 3-4 inch lengths, put them into a pan, cover with water and
  bring to a boil.  Drain and scrape away tough skin and fibrous threads with
  a potato peeler, rather as you might prepare celery.  Return the angelica
  to the pan, pour on fresh boiling water and cook until green and tender. If
  the shoots are as youthful as they should be, this will take 5 minutes or
  less.  Drain the stalks and dry them.  Put them into a bowl and sprinkle
  granulated sugar between layers, allowing 1 pound of sugar for every 1
  pound of angelica.  Cover and leave for 2 to 3 days.  Slide contents of the
  bowl into a heavy-based pan.  Bring very slowly to the boil and simmer
  until the angelica feels perfectly tender and looks clear. Drain, then roll
  or toss the shoots on greaseproof paper thickly strewn with sugar, letting
  the angelica take up as much sugar as will stick to it. Then dry off the
  angelica - without letting it become hard - in the oven, using the lowest
  possible temperature.  I place the stalks directly on the oven shelves
  (with trays underneath to catch any falling sugar) and find they need about
  3 hours.  Wrap and store after cooling completely. Packed into pretty
  little boxes, home-candied angelica makes a charming present.
  Source: Philippa Davenport in "Country Living" (British), May 1987. Typed
  for you by Karen Mintzias

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