Cherry pound cake Recipe
Cherry pound cake Recipe
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Cherry pound cake

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Cherry pound cake Recipe
---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: Cherry Pound Cake
  Categories: Cheesecakes, Crockpot
       Yield: 10 servings
      16 oz Cake mix/pound cake
     2/3 c  Water
       2    Eggs
      20    Marachino cherries
            ; drained (20 to 30)
       3 tb All-purpose flour
       Turn the cake mix, water, and eggs into a large mixing
   bowl and beat with an electric beater on low. In a small
   bowl, combine the maraschino cherries with the flour. Toss
   the cherries well in the flour so that all the moisture on
   the cherries is absorbed. Pour the batter into a greased
   and floured 2-quart mold or spring-form pan, Drop the
   cherries into the batter from high enough up so they sink
   into it. (This maneuver keeps all the cherries, which are
   heavier than the batter, from sinking to the bottom of the
   cake.)    Place the pan in the slow cooker and cover with
   a loosely  fitting plate. Cover the pot, but prop the lid
   open a fraction with a toothpick or a twist of foil to let
   excess steam escape. Cook on High for 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 hours.
   When a toothpick inserted in the center of the cake comes
   out clean, the cake is done. Cool the cake on a rack for 10
   to 15 minutes before you turn it out of the pan. Let it
   cool thoroughly before serving. "Clear & Simple Crockery

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