A norwegian coffee cake "kringlas", Recipe
A norwegian coffee cake
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A norwegian coffee cake "kringlas",

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A norwegian coffee cake "kringlas", Recipe
1/2 c  margarine.
      1 c  SUGAR.
      1 ts vanilla.
      1    EGG.
      1 c  butterMILK.
      1 ts SODA.
      3 c  flour.
  2 1/2 ts baking powder.
      1 ts SALT.
  Try mixing vanilla and egg  beat until mixed. Add the buttermilk and
  the Soda; (I have used 7up) and sift the dry ingredients into this.
  add the rest of the ingredients, mix well. Put the container into the
  refrigerator chill over night. Take out and roll small pieces of the
  dough into long strips, then form them into a figure eight,(like a
  pretzel) put them back into the Refrigerator for about an hour, when
  they have raised to approximately what looks to be the right hight.
  Bake in a 450 deg pre-heated oven for approximately 6 to 8 minutes, (
  May vary with the weather so keep an eye on them).But they should be
  a light brown before you remove them. Refrigeration is one of the
  keys of "KRINGLA" making. They must be refrigerated in order for them
  to get the flavor, you could bake them without refrigeration but you
  lose a lot of the flavor. You can also use.
  You can fill them with your favorite filling, Cream Cheese, Jelly,
  ETC. you don't need eggs or yeast. They are not too sweet, and
  definitely not Boring like a bagel, (Sorry Bagel lovers, VBG). It is
  a coffee Bread not like Muffins, which are too sweet, and also do not
  have too many calories. This recipe came from a fella from the town
  of LOS OSOS CA He is a out of work Carpenter who started baking and
  selling these wonderful Rolls, He said that this is an original
  recipe that he got from his grandmother, (Yea for the Grandmas). Ive
  tried Nuts, and love the cream Cheese one, You could even use Custard
  Filling, Ive also used Different flavored oils like Pure orange oil,
  butterscotch, several Berries types. and they turned out just great.

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